Side Effects of Working From Home


Working from home has become part of our everyday lives now for many, and it doesn’t seem to be going anywhere soon. This concept seems like a great idea as it provides some advantages such as flexibility, dressing comfortably and saving commuting time. However, the reality is that we adopt a more sedentary lifestyle. We don’t cycle to work, rush to a train or take coffee breaks anymore like we used to. 

As reported by the BBC, a survey by Opinium showed that 81% of people working remotely experienced some back, neck or shoulder pain, and 48% of those were less physically active than before the lockdown. Another study by the Institute for Employment Studies concluded that 35% of employees experienced new back pain while working from home. 

WFH - Touchline Physio

Your low back and neck don't like you sitting for long periods! Prolonged hours of desk-based work in a home environment can cause physical problems, such as muscle and joint stiffness, headaches, low back and neck pain, and trigger physiological issues like frustration, anxiety and feeling of loneliness.

The spine consists of 24 bones called vertebrae that are connected to each other by ligaments and soft tissue. Even though the spine is designed in an upright position, it has natural curves in the lower back and neck called lordosis. This helps to distribute the weight of the body efficiently through the spine. Because of the anatomy of the spine, it is a common area where many people experience back and neck pain. Poor posture and lack of movement are the main reasons of i̇ncreased stress on the muscles of the spine. This eventually causes stiffness and mechanical pain. 

Here are a couple of helpful tips to prevent the long-term effects of working from home. Let’s have a look at what you can do 

Cervical Mobility : 

Look to your left as far as you comfortably can. Do this slowly and gently. Practise 3 times on each side.

Neck Exercise - Touchline Physio

Look down slowly until you see your between legs. You should feel the stretch in the back of your neck. Hold for 20 seconds and practise 1-2 times.

Neck Stretch - Touchline Physio

Cervical Stretches - Levator Scapula:

Look to your left armpit and pull your head with your left hand. Your fingertips are at the end of your hairline and you should gently pull your head down towards your armpit. Hold that position for 20 seconds. You should feel the stretch on the opposite side of your neck. Practise 1-2 on each side.

Upper Spine Rotation:

Cross your arms in front of your chest and rotate your upper body to one side as far as possible. Hold this stretch position for 10-15 seconds whilst breathing slowly, then rotate to the other side. Practise 3 times each side.

Upper Spine Rotation - Touchline Physio

Lower Back Side Bending:

Sit on your chair straight then let your left arm move towards the floor slowly, trying to reach as far as you can. Come back to the central position and repeat to the other side. Practise 3 times each side.

Lower Back Exercise - Touchline Physio

Piriformis Stretch:

Place your left ankle on your right knee. Push your left knee down with your hands and slowly bend from the waist, bringing your chest toward your knees. You should feel the stretch in your left buttocks. Try to hold this position for 20 seconds. Practise 1-2 times each side.

Stretch - Touchline Physio

Put a lovely colourful post on your screen which reminds you to perform these exercises at least every hour. Walk around the room to give your legs a break as you used to walk in your office. It shouldn't take more than 5 minutes to do these basic exercises but it will greatly help prevent spinal stiffness and pain. Also, try to inhale before each movement and exhale while performing the movements. 

I hope you find these helpful. Please leave us a comment or get in touch. Also feel free to share our content with your family and friends.

Important Note: These exercises are a general guideline to improving and maintaining mobility. If your pain worsens then please consult a healthcare professional. Alternatively you can book an appointment with us.
